Looks like a good one from kosheronabudget.com.Reference Attribution Link:
Best Kosher Brisket Recipe (Coca-Cola Brisket):
As you know, the two secrets to a good (Jewish) brisket are low — and slow.
I cooked this one for about 5 hours last night on 300°. I let it cool overnight to let the fat get all congealed so I could scrape that part off.
Then I sliced the meat, and arranged all the onions and sauce back on top. It will cook several more hours today on 200° and then I will warm the meat on the plata for a couple of hours tomorrow.
This is the same recipe that I made for Rosh Hashana and we absolutely love it!
Coca-Cola Brisket
(Adapted from the About.com Kosher Cooking Guide)
- 1 7-8 pound brisket
- 1/2 cup vegetable oil
- 1/2 cup Coca-Cola (I used Dr. Pepper, as that’s what we had in the house – I figured after it cooked for so long, it wouldn’t make a difference)
- 1/2 cup dry red wine
- 1/2 cup honey
- 6 Tbsp. ketchup
- 2-3 T soy sauce
- 2 large onions
Put all ingredients except for the onions and beef in the food processor and whirl together.
Cut the onions into thick(ish) slices and layer the bottom of a roasting pan with them. Place beef on top and pour marinade over. Tightly cover with at least one layer of tinfoil and cook for forever.
What are your favorite Shabbat splurges? Whether it’s calories or cost, what are your favorite recipes to make your Shabbat table special?
P.S. I had a cooking marathon last night – forgot how much better it is to start Thursday night. Made Jamie Geller’s chocolate pretzel torte. It smelled delicious and looks beautiful, but it took about four times longer than the recipe said it would to cook. I hope it tastes okay! I will share the recipe soon, assuming it’s as good as it looks!
Notes.. Above information is curated for evaluation and recommendation from kosheronabudget.com
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Best Kosher Brisket Recipe (Coca-Cola Brisket)
reco smoked brisket