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A sweet and savory brisket that is tender and perfect; all done with a salt rub, marinade, and slow cooking.
I made brisket today. A sweet and savory brisket. It was my first time cooking a brisket and thank goodness it was good! Really good. I had read that you will never be able to make a piece of brisket tender but after this sweet and savory brisket I don’t believe that. Maybe I just got lucky or maybe the marinade was perfect or maybe it was the tent foil trapping all the moisture in. I really don’t know but this sweet and savory brisket was tender, flavorful, and good. And it really was easy; a salt rub, marinade, and slow cooking at a lower temperature.
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The cut of meat that makes a brisket is just under the chuck or shoulder of the cow. Basically it is the front top leg muscle. Considering that is an often used muscle of the cow it makes sense it would not be as tender as other pieces. I don’t often think about where my meat comes from and what part of the animal. Do you? But as I study a little more, I realize it is helpful to know because then you can prepare the cut the best for that piece.
I know realizing the brisket was a tougher cut, I prepared a recipe that helped tenderize the meat. Marinading your meat helps with tenderizing. Cooking at a low temperature and slowly helps tenderize. And the foil tent trapping the moisture in helped tenderize. All these aspects together worked and our family ate a delicious Sunday dinner.
Servings 6 to 8 servings
Course Dinner
Cuisine Beef
A sweet and savory brisket flavored with a salt rub, sweet and savory marinade – cooked over a long period at a low temperature
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours
Total Time 3 hours 20 minutes
- 1 – 4 lb brisket ( fat trimmed off as best you can)
- garlic salt (about 2 tsp – to taste)
- coarse pepper (3 or 4 turns with the pepper mill)
- 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
- 3/4 cup water
- 1/2 cup tomato sauce
- 1/3 cup light brown sugar
- 4 cloves garlic (minced)
- 1/3 cup onion (diced)
Preheat oven to 325
Line a 9×13 pan with foil
Set brisket in pan and sprinkle top and bottom with salt and pepper, rub in
In a medium bowl add vinegar, water, tomato sauce, brown sugar, garlic, and onions – mix until fully incorporated
Lift brisket up and pour half the sauce in the bottom of the pan
Place brisket back down and pour other half of the sauce over the top of brisket
Cover entire pan with two layers of foil, sealing tight
Place in oven and bake at 325 for 3 to 3 1/2 hours (meat should be tender, at minimum temperature of 170 degrees, and easily cut)
Remove from oven, drain sauce into a medium pot
Let brisket set for 30 minutes before cutting – cut against the grain to serve
Bring sauce to a boil and let simmer for 20 minutes or so to reduce
Serve brisket with sauce
It was my first time cooking brisket and a little study and knowledge about briskets helped me. I hope my tips will help you too when you cook your sweet and savory brisket.
What cuts of meat have felt a little daunting to you?
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Notes.. Above information is curated for evaluation and recommendation from lmld.org
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