Brisket Braised in Porter

Brisket Braised in Porter

Looks like a good one from Epicurious.
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Brisket Braised in Porter:

The brisket tastes best if prepared ahead, so make it at least one day and up to two days before you plan to serve it. Chilling the brisket makes it easier to slice. Rewarm the meat in the sauce and serve with a full-flavored dark beer (see our suggestions below).


Makes 12 servings

1 tablespoon coarse kosher salt

2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

2 teaspoons dry mustard (such as Colman’s)

2 teaspoons chopped fresh sage

2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme

1 6-pound flat-cut brisket, trimmed but with some fat still attached

2 tablespoons rendered bacon fat or olive oil

4 cups (or more) low-salt chicken broth, divided

1 12-ounce bottle porter or stout

6 whole pitted prunes

4 bay leaves

2 teaspoons (packed) dark brown sugar

6 cups thinly sliced onions (2 1/2 pounds)

8 whole garlic cloves, peeled

1 pound mushrooms, sliced

1 pound medium carrots, peeled, cut crosswise into 1 1/2-inch lengths

2 tablespoons whole grain Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon (or more) malt vinegar

Special Equipment

Heavy extra-large wide ovenproof pot


  1. Step 1

    Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 350°F. Mix first 5 ingredients in small bowl. Rub herb mixture all over brisket. Heat bacon fat in heavy extra-large wide ovenproof pot over medium-high heat. Add brisket to pot and cook until deep brown, about 5 minutes per side. Transfer brisket to platter or rimmed baking sheet. Add 2 cups broth to pot and bring to boil, scraping up browned bits from bottom of pot. Stir in porter, prunes, bay leaves, and brown sugar; bring to boil. Return brisket to pot, fat side down; scatter onion slices over to cover meat, then add garlic.

    Step 2

    Cover pot; place in oven and braise brisket 1 hour. Remove pot from oven; uncover and turn brisket over so that onion slices fall into liquid in pot. Return pot to oven and braise uncovered 30 minutes. Add 1 cup broth. Cover and bake 1 hour 30 minutes longer.

    Step 3

    Transfer brisket to platter or rimmed baking sheet; add 1 more cup broth to liquid in pot, then add mushrooms and carrots. Return brisket to pot. Cover and return to oven; braise until meat and carrots are very tender, adding more broth by cupfuls, if needed, to cover vegetables, about 45 minutes longer. Cool slightly. Refrigerate uncovered until cold, then cover and keep chilled at least 1 day and up to 2 days.

    Step 4

    Preheat oven to 350°F. Spoon off any fat from surface of brisket pan juices and discard. Transfer brisket to cutting board. Thinly slice brisket across grain. Place brisket slices in large roasting pan. Bring pan juices with vegetables in pot to boil. Whisk in mustard and 1 tablespoon vinegar. Season to taste with salt and pepper, adding more vinegar by teaspoonfuls, if desired. Pour pan juices and vegetables over brisket in roasting pan. Cover roasting pan tightly with heavy-duty foil and cook in oven until brisket slices and vegetables are heated through, about 1 hour 15 minutes. Serve meat with vegetables and sauce.

Nutrition Per Serving

Per serving: 505.1 kcal calories

32.1% calories from fat

18.0 g fat

6.5 g saturated fat

77.3 mg cholesterol

17.0 g carbohydrates

3.2 g dietary fiber

8.7 g total sugars

13.8 g net carbs

66.2 g protein

#### Nutritional analysis provided by Bon Appétit

How would you rate Brisket Braised in Porter?

  • Best Brisket recipe EVER!!! Juicy, with lots of flavors, amazing!!!!

  • This recipe is 100% worth the time and effort. The only change I make is to add many more prunes. They mostly dissolve and just add a sweet richness that never disappoints. This is our annual holiday meal and the meal I bring to friends when they have a baby. It freezes beautifully. I recommend serving with the 12/7/07 Potato Casserole recipe on Epicurus site.

  • Currently making this brisket for the 6th straight year. Using local Brewer’s Art 25th Anniversary Ale as my porter stand in. A nice dark 9.6 AVB. Like always, I follow the recipe exactly. I always start with the herb mix on the brisket overnight. The majority of cooking on the second day and then the final cooking on Christmas eve. I think spreading it out over three days helps. Like most of the reviews, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive over the years.

  • I am the queen of brisket and have a regular recipe that my family and friends want all the time. This year I decided to try something new and chose this recipe based on the great reviews and ingredients. There are a good number of steps involved and its time consuming but all briskets take anywhere from 4 to 6 hours in the oven. The recipe is easy to follow though I dont understand how to put a 6lb brisket in a pot… even a large one. I used a large turkey roasting pan and put it on the stove top for the first few steps. The brisket was amazing…. though not as good as my regular one. It was different of course but truly delicious in its savoriness. I do highly recommend making this a day or two ahead of serving. I used my meat slicer to slice thin but substantial slices and then finished the “gravy” and poured the finished gravy over the sliced brisket and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Next time I will add more onions later in the cooking process as the early ones dissolve. I also did add the small canned white potatoes to the gravy while it cooked as my family loves these. Everyone raved and thought it was a nice change but look forward to my regular brisket again in the future.

  • Made this for Christmas Dinner (lockdown demands comfort foods!) and it was a complete success and will certainly become a go-to brisket recipe in this house. Did prep a day ahead and didn’t use quite as much liquid as per recipe but was left with a rich reduction that went very well with garlic mashed and Yorkshire pudding. I used a local brewery winter chai porter and it was perfect. I also was quite liberal with the malt vinegar which I felt was the most amazing finishing touch.

  • Love the bones of this recipe, but yeah – went rogue.

    I used apricots instead of prunes and brandy instead of porter.

    Allspice instead of sage and tarragon in lieu of thyme.

    Nothing wrong with the original. I wanted a little sweet and a touch less bitter. Not a huge porter or stout fan.

  • Excellent! Followed the recipe exactly and had, for the first time ever, tender delicious brisket. I had a 5.5 lb brisket and there are just the two of us, so I plan to freeze most of it (unsliced) with the braising liquid for a group dinner next month. I’ll cook additional carrots and mushrooms in the liquid before reheating the sliced meat.

  • I’m going to make this for every Christmas dinner until I die. It was well worth the extra time and effort to cook the brisket ahead of time. I followed the original recipe, but then I put all of the meat and vegetables in a lasagna pan and added some extra porter and stock, covered it with puff pastry, and put it back in the oven to let the puff pastry cook. It made a fantastic meat pie!

  • Super delicious. And though a ton of steps, it has straightforward ingredients. By consensus acclamation, it’s now our Christmas dinner.

  • This is a fussy and time consuming recipe, but it is worth all the effort! I am glad I followed the recipe exactly instead of going rogue, like I normally do. I would not change a thing. I made this for my mother’s birthday and every one of the 10 guests raved about this brisket. It was even better reheated for lunch two days later!

  • This is a fabulous recipe! It took three days to make, but everyone had seconds and thirds and wanted leftovers.
    The only thing I did differently is after I cut up the cold brisket, I put it in my slow cooker. I have one oven and needed it for popovers. This recipe is a definite keeper. Great flavor!

  • This is my favorite brisket recipe, hands down. I make as written, but vary the stout. I’ve especially liked Hangar 24 Chocolate Porter, and the time I used Goose IslandBourbon County stout, aged in bourbon barrels, with “intense aromas of charred oak, vanilla, caramel and smoke.” Boom!

  • This is really good but definitely time consuming. I made it 2 days ahead with a 2.75# brisket. It made plenty for the 4 of us. It probably didn’t need to cook quite as long because there were some areas that were a little dry. It could really use more mushrooms (I used half cremini and half white). For half recipe I used 1 can of broth right away and added a second can with the veggies. I had to thicken the sauce to make a gravy for mashed potatoes. Good Holiday weekend dinner.

  • Fantastic! Followed the directions and it came out perfectly. Everyone in the party wanted the recipe. No left overs!

  • This took the better part of a day to make, but it was so worth it. My family loved it. Everyone came back for more. I did use a stout instead of porter, as that was what I was able to purchase one bottle of and didn’t want to buy a six pack. I’ll definitely be making it again.

See Related Recipes and Cooking Tips

Notes.. Above information is curated for evaluation and recommendation from Epicurious

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Brisket Braised in Porter

reco smoked brisket



