Texas Travis’ Best Brisket Love-Rub.

Texas Travis’ Best Brisket Love-Rub.

Another goodie we liked from food.com.
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Texas Travis’ Best Brisket Love-Rub.:

“While I lived in Texas, I studied barbecue. I’m not just talking about eating it. I studied it, it’s a complex art that involves more than just meat and fire.

I worked at one of the Texas Hill Country’s finest barbecue establishments. I started as a server and eventually worked my way up assistant pit master.

When I moved back to Oregon I brought this with me. This is a rub that me and one of my co-workers spent months back in the day perfecting.

Either at home on my smoker, or at the pit this rub has won the hearts of many! It also goes great on ribs as well! Hope you guys like this.”

Ready In:
12hrs 5mins




  • Mix all ingredients well, and apply liberally to brisket. Smoke brisket over hardwood for 12-14 hours in a 225 degree smoker. (depending on size)
  • *Rember when you cut the brisket to cut it across the grain, and DONT put sauce on it, serve the sauce on the side!
  • Serve with an ice cold beer, because everything tastes better with a good craft beer!

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Notes.. Above information is curated for evaluation and recommendation from food.com

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Texas Travis’ Best Brisket Love-Rub.

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